Friday, March 31, 2006

Deception Dinner

Deception Dinner
Originally uploaded by kaymaria.
In honor of April Fool's Day (a little early), M&M came over last night for a Deception Dinner. I made lasagna cupcakes - the idea stolen from here but the recipe streamlined with sauce from Paul Newman. I also made cloverleaf roll cupcakes with American cheese icing and chive sprinkles. (I would have preferred mozzarella icing but I only had grated cheese on hand and I didn't think I could get a good "blanket.") They were RIDICULOUSLY fun to eat!

For dessert, I made "spaghetti." I piped cream cheese and marshmallow fluff (an insanely easy and delicious recipe I found here) and topped it with crushed strawberries. Tommy actually giggled as he ate it. Click on the picture and it will take you to a pic of the dessert.

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