Friday, March 31, 2006

Deception Dinner

Deception Dinner
Originally uploaded by kaymaria.
In honor of April Fool's Day (a little early), M&M came over last night for a Deception Dinner. I made lasagna cupcakes - the idea stolen from here but the recipe streamlined with sauce from Paul Newman. I also made cloverleaf roll cupcakes with American cheese icing and chive sprinkles. (I would have preferred mozzarella icing but I only had grated cheese on hand and I didn't think I could get a good "blanket.") They were RIDICULOUSLY fun to eat!

For dessert, I made "spaghetti." I piped cream cheese and marshmallow fluff (an insanely easy and delicious recipe I found here) and topped it with crushed strawberries. Tommy actually giggled as he ate it. Click on the picture and it will take you to a pic of the dessert.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Happy Birthday

To my precious, precious brother Sean!!!

Teen Angst

The big, main drawback to my pregnancy is that I re-entered puberty. The mood swings, OH the mood swings. Seriously, it feels just like puberty minus the endless repetitions of Prince’s Beautiful Ones or worse, Stevie Nicks’ Edge of Seventeen. (I would like to once again apologize to my poor brother and mother for dealing with me during that Trying Time and thank them for their tolerance of said repetitions – I can still picture them sitting in the living room, me holed up in my bedroom and just as the song ends they’re all, “Please no, please no, please no” as the needle starts at the beginning of the song one...more...time.)

Unfortunately, Tommy has sympathy mood swings. He can get really snippy.

Newsflash: if I’m currently growing someone else’s ears (I stole that expression from my awesome friend Laura), only I can be snippy.

And yet, I’m not snippy, I’m the other mutant dwarf Weepy. The other night I literally sobbed because I was so emotional. What’s worse was I was fine when Tommy went out to the freezer to get a “novelty” (we’re on an icecream novelty kick, currently we’re on Snickers cones) but I was full-tilt weepy when he came back. AND I was too messed up to get up and get a tissue so I was blotting and blowing with a paper towel – do you know what kind of damage a rough paper towel can do to the complexion of an almost-40 year old in the throes of prenatal emotion?!?

Speaking of complexions, I also have zits again. Oh sure, I used to have the occasional breakout but they were subtle. I now actually sport whiteheads.

I’m so right smack back in puberty.

I need to be left alone in my room with a turntable and a fresh copy of Purple Rain.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Behold...The Bean!

Behold! The Bean! 3-27-06
Originally uploaded by kaymaria.

Okay, so I've been a horrible blogger. It's just that I haven't felt like I had anything worthy of reading to write about- not that that's an issue with a whole lot of blogs I click upon (I promise to never...or just minimally write about any pets I may have), but still, I want to be worthy. So once again, I find myself pregnant - this time it feels like a good one. Upon the recent 1st Trimester Screening confirmation that so far all is well, I've decided on pursuing the momblog thing - granted that probably doesn't make any worthiness sense since there's so many momblogs out there, but I think I have something to contribute even if that something is simply tried and true indigestion cures.

Therefore, I introduce you to the bean! Which is actually the size of a lime but introducing you to the lime sounded weird and somehow too acidic (I'm telling ya, the heartburn is BAD). And even though it's still an early-early confirmation, I have already been eyeing a few things - the Hot Wheels onesies at La La Ling, Mary Jane socks at Uncommon Goods (and EVERYTHING else in their baby shower department), and this insanely cute Stef pointed out to me. (People please, I'm very vulnerable to such cute "necessities" right now!).